Curriculum Vitae


2015 PhD International Development Department of Social and Policy Sciences University of Bath Bath, UK

2008 MSc Society, Human Development, and Health Harvard School of Public Health Boston, Massachusetts, USA

2006 MSW Social Work Boston College School of Social Work Boston, Massachusetts, USA

2002 BS Sociology George Fox University Newberg, Oregon, USA

Professional Appointments

2016-present Adjunct Professor Boston College School of Social Work Boston, Massachusetts, USA

2015-present Honorary Research Fellow (non-resident) Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre School of Environment, Education and Development University of Manchester, UK

2015-2017 Postdoctoral Fellow in Education Harvard Graduate School of Education Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA



1. Williams, T.P. (under contract-manuscript due December 2019). The political economy of education policy: lessons from Rwanda. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Refereed Journal Articles

1. Williams, T.P. (2019) “The things they learned: aspiration, uncertainty, and schooling in Rwanda’s developmental state.” Journal of Development Studies, 55(4) 645-660.

2. Williams, T.P. et al (2018). Child protection and sexual exploitation of adolescent girls within and beyond refugee camps in Rwanda. Child Abuse and Neglect, 86, 158-166.

3. Williams, T.P. (2017). The political economy of primary education: lessons from Rwanda. World Development, 96, 550-561. (2018 Winner of the Comparative and International Education Society’s Joyce Cain Award for Distinguished Research on People of Africa Descent)

4. Milligan, L, Tikly, L., Williams, T.P. et al (2017). Textbook availability and use in Rwandan basic education: a mixed-methods study. International Journal of Educational Development, 54, 1–7.

5. Williams, T.P. (2016). Theorizing children’s subjectivity: ethnographic investigations in rural Rwanda. Childhood. [Special issue: Beyond Pluralizing African Childhoods], 23(3), 333-347.

6. Williams, T.P., et al (2016). Rejecting 'the child', embracing ' childhood': Conceptual and methodological issues for researching with children. International Social Work, 59(6), 734–744.

7. Williams, T.P., et al (2015). ‘Education at our school is not free’: the hidden costs of fee-free schooling in Rwanda. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 45(6), 931- 952.

8. Pells, K., Pontalti, K. & Williams, T.P. (2014). Promising developments? Children, youth and postgenocide reconstruction under the Rwandan Patriotic Front. Journal of East African Studies. [Special issue: Rwanda under the RPF: Twenty Years of Post-Conflict Governance], 8(2), 294-310.

9. Betancourt, T. S., Shaahinfar, A., Kellner, S. Dhavan, N. & Williams, T.P., et al (2013). A qualitative case study of child protection issues in the Indian construction industry: Investigating the interrelated security, health, and rights of migrant families. BMC Public Health, 13, 1-22.

10. Betancourt, T. S., Borisova, I., Williams, T.P., et al (2013). Psychosocial adjustment, mental health, and social reintegration in former child soldiers: A review of the literature and recommended directions for future research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 54(1), 17-36.

11. Konstantopoulos, W.M., Ahn, R., Alpert, E., Cafferty E., McGahan, A., Williams, T.P. et al (2013). An international comparative public health analysis of sex trafficking of women and girls in eight cities: achieving a more effective health sector response. Journal of Urban Health, 90(6), 1194-204

12. Williams, T.P., et al (2012). Transactional sex as a form of child sexual exploitation and abuse in Rwanda: Implications for child security and protection. Child Abuse and Neglect, 36(4), 354-61.

13. Betancourt, T. S., Williams, T.P., et al (2012). Exploring the interrelatedness of child protection issues in Rwanda: An application of the SAFE Model. Social Science and Medicine, 74(10). 1504-1511.

14. Williams, T.P., et al. (2010). Sex trafficking and health care in Metro Manila: Identifying social determinants to inform an effective health system response. Health and Human Rights: An International Journal, 12(2), 135-147.

15. Betancourt, T. S., Borisova, I., Williams, T.P., et al. (2010). Sierra Leone’s former child soldiers: A follow up study of psychosocial adjustment and community reintegration. Child Development, 81(4), 1076-1094.

16. Balsari, S., Lemery, J., Williams, T.P., et al. (2010). Protecting the children of Haiti. New England Journal of Medicine, 362(9), e25.

17. Williams, T.P., et al. (2009). Using a cross-cultural partnership to promote the health and human rights of children affected by HIV/AIDS in urban Boston and rural Uganda. International Social Work, 52 (4), 539-545.

18. Betancourt, T. S. & Williams, T.P. (2008). Building an evidence base on mental health interventions for children affected by armed conflict. Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work, and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict, 6(1), 39-56.

Book Chapters

1. Williams, T.P. (2019). The downsides of dominance: education quality reforms and Rwanda’s political settlement (pp. 86-104). In: Hickey, S. & Hossain, N. (eds). The Politics of Education in Developing Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2. Williams, T.P. et al (2013). Sex trafficking, health care, and the health system in Mumbai and Kolkata. In Mishra, V. (ed). Human Trafficking: The Stakeholders' Perspective. New Delhi: SAGE.

Book Reviews

1. Williams, T.P. (2018). Book review: Primary School Leadership in Post-Conflict Rwanda: A Narrative Arc by Gilbert Karareba, Simon Clarke, and Thomas O’Donoghue. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.

2. Williams, T.P. (2014). Book review: From Classrooms to Conflict in Rwanda by Elisabeth King. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Comparative Educational Review, 58 (4), 736-738.

Reports and Other Publications

1. Williams, T.P. et al (2019-in process). The politics of implementing social protection in Rwanda. ESID Working Paper. Manchester, UK: The University of Manchester.

2. Williams, T. et al (2019). Performance evaluation of Mureke Dusome. Kigali: USAID, Save the Children.

3. Williams, T. (2019). Human trafficking in Rwanda: a literature review. (unpublished). Kigali: International Organization for Migration.

4. Shrestha, U., Williams, T.P. et al (2019). What is the relationship between politics, education reforms, and learning? Evidence from a new database and nine case studies. Background Paper for World Development Report 2018. The World Bank. Washington, D.C. http://pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/856881567524290888/Reforms-to-improve-learning-30-Aug-TPWFINAL.pdf

5. Cozzolino, S. Galloway, C., Williams, T.P. et al (2019) Report on good practices and lessons learned from the implementation of strengthening child and family protection systems for Better Child Care Project. Save the Children. Kigali.

6. Williams, T. (2018). How to bring about systemic change in early childhood literacy: lessons from Save the Children Rwanda. Kigali: Save the Children.

7. Carhill-Poza, A., Williams, T.P. et al (2017). “Teaching and Learning with Technology in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Adolescent English Learners in TechnologyEnhanced Classrooms.” A Report to the Nellie Mae Educational Foundation. University of Massachusetts Boston.

8. Williams, T.P. (2017) “Girls Take the Lead: Building the Assets of Adolescent Girls in Refugee Camps in Rwanda, Post-test Report.” Plan International Rwanda. Kigali, Rwanda.

9. Williams, T.P. (2016). Higa Ubeho Sustainability Review for Catholic Relief Services. Kigali, Rwanda.

10. Winthrop, R. & Williams, T.P. (2016). “Skills in the digital age: How should education systems evolve?” Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.

11. Williams, T.P. (2016). Oriented toward action: the political economy of primary education in Rwanda. ESID Working Paper No. 64. Manchester, UK: The University of Manchester

12. Winthrop, R., McGivney, E. Williams, T.P., et al. (2016). “Innovation and Technology to Accelerate Progress in Education.” Background Paper for the Global Education Commission on Education Financing. Center for Universal Education at The Brookings Institution. Washington, D.C.

13. Williams, T.P. (2016). Child protection in two refugee camps in Rwanda: baseline assessment. Three Stones Consulting, Plan Rwanda. Kigali, Rwanda.

14. Tusiime, M. & Williams, T.P. (2015). VSO Rwanda country program relevance and effectiveness evaluation report. VSO Rwanda, Three Stones Consulting. Kigali, Rwanda.

15. Williams, T.P. (2015). The enablers and barriers to effective textbook use in Rwandan classrooms. University of Bristol and DFID. Kigali, Rwanda.

16. Williams, T.P. (2015). Platform for Engagement: The Collective Impact of Civil Society to the Education Sector in Rwanda. The Case of the Rwanda Education NGO Coordination Platform (RENCP). Rwanda NGO Coordination Platform; UNICEF; Wellspring Foundation. Kigali, Rwanda. http://www.rencp.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/RENCP-Collective-Impact-Report-2015.pdf

17. Williams, T.P. (2015). Great expectations: children’s education in rural Rwanda. CfBT Education Trust. Reading, UK. www.cfbt.com/en-GB/Research/Research-library/2015/r-great-expectations2015

18. Williams, T.P. (2013). At what cost? The untoward cost of children's schooling in Rwanda. An indepth case study. Rwanda Education NGO Coordination Platform. Plan Rwanda. Canadian International Development Agency. Kigali, Rwanda. http://www.rencp.org/wpcontent/uploads/2013/08/Final-school-costs-project-July-2013.pdf

19. Balsari, S., Lemery, J., Williams, T.P. et al. (2010). Child protection in Haiti: Post-earthquake needs assessment. Working Paper Prepared for François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights. Harvard University. Boston, MA.

20. McGahan, A., Ahn, R., Cafferty, E., Konstantopoulos, W., Williams, T.P. et al (2010). Hidden business and open secrets: How human trafficking is managed and what you can do about it. Rotman Magazine. Boston, MA. www.hbr.org

21. Ahn, R., Williams, T.P. et al., (2009). Sex trafficking of women and girls in New York City. In: Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in Eight Metropolitan Areas around the World, Case Studies Viewed through a Public-Health Lens: A report to Humanity United. pp. 23-39

22. Castor, J.P., Ahn, R., Alpert, E., Williams, T.P. (2009). Sex trafficking of women and girls in Los Angeles. In: Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in Eight Metropolitan Areas around the World, Case Studies Viewed through a Public-Health Lens: A report to Humanity United. pp. 58-78

23. Williams, T.P., et al., (2009). Sex trafficking of women and girls in Metro Manila. In: Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in Eight Metropolitan Areas around the World, Case Studies Viewed through a Public-Health Lens: A report to Humanity United. pp. 79-97

24. Williams, T.P., et al., (2009). Sex trafficking of women and girls in Mumbai. In: Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in Eight Metropolitan Areas around the World, Case Studies Viewed through a Public-Health Lens: A report to Humanity United. pp. 98-118

25. Williams, T.P., et al., (2009). Sex trafficking of women and girls in Kolkata. In: Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in Eight Metropolitan Areas around the World, Case Studies Viewed through a Public-Health Lens: A report to Humanity United. pp. 119-141

26. Kim, J. Y. et al. [contributing author: Williams, T.P., et al.] (2008). Integration and expansion of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and Early Childhood Intervention Services. Joint Learning Initiative on Children and HIV/AIDS: Learning Group 3. François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights. Harvard School of Public Health. Boston, MA.

27. Betancourt, T., Borisova, I., Rubin-Smith, J., Gingerich, T., Williams, T.P., et. al (2008). Children associated with fighting forces: The state of the field and future directions. A report prepared for Psychology Beyond Borders. Research Program on Children and Global Adversity. François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard School of Public Health.

28. Williams, T.P. (2008). Ethnographic observations of Namugongo Fund for Special Children. A report prepared for the SPARK Center at Boston Medical Center. Boston, MA.

29. Williams, T.P. (2007). Evaluation of Imani Village After School Program. A report prepared for the SPARK Center at Boston Medical Center/Boston University School of Medicine. Boston, MA.

30. Goldstein, R., Grozier, G. & Williams, T.P. (2006). Face-to-Face: Final evaluation report. A report prepared for The Home for Little Wanderers/Boston Public Schools. Boston, MA.